Love Me Stories Needs You!


Love Me Stories has a vision that will come to reality with your help! Frederick Douglass
once said “it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
Love Me Stories has taken on the challenge to build strong children with inspirational stories
with 21st-century concepts.
By 2030 our vision is to have millions of children around the world reading love me stories
books which will equip them with 21st century skills.

What are the benefits of children learning 21st century skills?

  •  Head start to compete in the future global economy
  • Be able to adapt to change
  • Understand different cultures and other perspectives
  • Communication and Collaboration skills
  • Learn to solve real life problems
  • Character building
  • STEAM Skills
  • Encourage Innovation
  • Donating will help children become exposed to 21st-century skills which will prepare them forthe future!

Thank you for donating!